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Check here for updates about our latest issues, calls for papers, submission guidelines and tips, as well special online-only content. Our issues themselves are available at Project Muse and are archived on JSTOR . Check out the "Read for Free" page to enjoy some featured content.

More than four decades after its founding, the Journal of Modern Literature remains a leading scholarly journal in the field of modern and contemporary literature and is widely recognized as such. It emphasizes scholarly studies of literature in all languages, as well as related arts and cultural artifacts, from 1900 to the present. International in its scope, its contributors include scholars from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceana, and South America.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Submission tips: multiple submission limits

The editors of the Journal of Modern Literature have instituted a new policy on multiple submissions by the same author, limiting submissions to one per author per 12-month period.

That is, once an author has submitted a piece, they may not submit any others for our consideration for a period of 12 months. We will automatically decline any submission not in compliance with this policy.