Matthew Clarke
“At the Bottom”: Lytton Strachey and the Sodomitical Archive
Jennifer Spitzer
The Heterodox Psychology and Queer Poetics of Auden in the 1930s
Benjamin Kahan
Sheiks, Sweetbacks, and Harlem Renaissance Sexuality, or the Chauncey Thesis at Twenty-Five
Siobhan Phillips
Intimacy, Epistolarity, and the Work of Queer Mourning in James Schuyler’s Poetry
Patrick Jackson
The Narrative of Grief in Ted Hughes’s Crow
Elizabeth Weston
Resisting Loss: Guilt and Consolation in Ian McEwan’s Atonement
Anna Ioanes
Disgust in Silhouette: Toni Morrison, Kara Walker, and the Aesthetics of Violence
Cara L. Lewis
Beholding: Visuality and Postcritical Reading in Ali Smith’s How to be both
Frederick D. King and Alison Lee
Consuming Surfaces: Decadent Aesthetics in The Debt to Pleasure
Alexander Adkins
Neoliberal Disgust in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger
Scott C. Thompson
The Culture of Excess: A Review of George Cotkin’s Feast of Excess